Plein Air Painting at Garrapata

Officially spring is a month away and it has been a wet winter in California. Still yesterday was all blue sky and crashing waves. What a perfect day to paint and enjoy the company of friends. Lucky me!

Garrapata State Park is located on California Highway 1 about 7 miles south of Carmel. There are beautiful up into the canyon and down to the water. I’m going to have to get back when the spring flowers hit full force.

San Juan Bautista

The watercolor perched on the wood stove in my studio was purchased recently by a person who found my website and this painting via the magic of Google. It is so meaningful when a painting of mine makes such a connection.

I love and appreciate positive feedback from family and friends. Still, it is so encouraging to receive affirmation from a person I will likely never meet. My smile will last for days.

Rhododendron Second Bloom

My life lately has been full of physical therapy. I’m working to get back to 100% after a late summer injury. Just this week, I’ve started going on walks … outside and everything! For now, it’s just a loop around my block under my husband’s supervision.

Today, I noticed a neighbor’s rhododendron was blooming. I think of rhododendron blooms as a spring confection so it was a delight to see these second blooms. Early this spring, I was able to spend several days painting in a beautiful private garden in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Their Rhododendrons were in full bloom. So … I pulled out a photo.

Healing and Painting Flowers

When I was up in Lake Tahoe at the beginning of September, I managed a pretty spectacular fall on scree covered granite. The results include scrapes and scratches, 2 ankle fractures, a broken tibia and a sprained wrist. There is good news though:

#1 – This is only temporary and it looks like I won’t need surgery as was originally thought.

Pink and Yellow Flowers

#2 – My husband is amazingly helpful and my wrist sprain is on my non-dominant hand.

Pink Lilies in metal pitcher

#3 – I’ve been receiving some stunning flower bouquets and I’m painting them.

Lilies, roses and Eucalyptus