Before my area was known for technology companies, it was called Blossom Valley. There are a few of these heritage orchards that remain. This one is full of plum trees with their spring blooms.
Heritage Orchard
8″ x 10″ (sold)
8″ x 10″ (sold)
Before my area was known for technology companies, it was called Blossom Valley. There are a few of these heritage orchards that remain. This one is full of plum trees with their spring blooms.
8″ x 10″ oil on linen panel
I love oak trees. While painting this one, I focused on bring out the tree’s warm orange and red tones.
12″ x 24″ oil on linen panel
With harbors increasingly full of white fiberglass, you’ve got to love a red boat. I have a crush on the red SSS Viking and the high school age young women who participate in the San Francisco Sea Scouts. Here they are sailing toward Alcatraz on a flamboyantly colorful and blustery spring day. The Viking was built by the US Navy in 1938. Today’s home port is the Maritime National Historic Park in Aquatic Park, San Francisco.
Exhibited …
2024 – Allied Artists West Group Show “Colors of Summer”
2023 – California Art Club “Spring Awakening”
6″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
I painted this small study in contemplation of a larger piece.
6″ x 8″ (sold)
This piece was painted at Lighthouse Point in Santa Cruz while a steady stream of surfers took a leap from a rock ledge into the waves after scrambling past signs warning of the danger.
Exhibited …
2023 – Coastal Arts League “Companions and Locals”
8″ x 8″ oil on linen panel
The early morning light lit up the otherwise drab gray brown reeds. In this plein air piece, painted at Vasona Lake Park, I put myself to the task of catching the effect and of seeing a familiar scene in a new way.
9″ x 12″ (sold)
Winter in our area can look a lot like spring. In this I am striving for a loose sense of a chilly yet lush morning.
14″ x 11″ oil on linen panel
The winter of 2022-2023 transformed Steven’s Creek. The water levels were unusually high as I painted this to the sound of rushing water.
9″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
I’m drawn to the subtle colors of winter and a sky laden with more water, particularly in a case like this where there is a passage of vivid spring chartreuse on the side of a hill briefly bathed in light by a break in the clouds. This plein air painting was done on a soggy February morning at the Santa Teresa Open Space Park in the San Jose area.
Exhibited …
2023 – Coastal Arts League “Companions and Locals”
12″ x 16″ oil on linen panel
This began as an early morning plein air piece in the Monterey Harbor that I finished up later in the studio. Striving to convey early morning sun as it brings some warmth to a chilly morning on Monterey Bay and the potential catch ahead.
Exhibited …
2023 – Harrington Gallery “Fresh Works”