Winter in Northern California delivers residual autumn leaves and spring green grasses.
Winter Vines
8″x10″ oil on linen panel
8″x10″ oil on linen panel
Winter in Northern California delivers residual autumn leaves and spring green grasses.
9″ x 12″ (private collection)
This painting began as a plein air piece in rural San Jose at a spot in Santa Teresa Park where I enjoy painting. In addition to the friends I painted with this day, I also appreciated seeing a few local equestrians and lotsĀ of turkeys.
9″ x 12″ (private collection)
This was painting at a lovely spot along the Merced River in Yosemite.
6″ x 8″ oil on linen panel
This plein air painting was painted at a beautiful spot along the Merced River in Yosemite known as Devil’s Bend.
9″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
The Humboldt County Coast offers so much. I started this piece in the Trinidad Harbor paying close attention to the colors of the water both in and out of shadow. Now that I’ve finished this up at home I want to head back to further savor the beauty of far Northern California.
12″ x 9″ (private collection)
As I was setting my gear to paint this scene at Sue-Meg State Park (formerly Patrick Point), it was clear the weather was about to change. Blue sky to the right. A bank of clouds to the left. I noticed a gorgeous celadon color in the water and hung on to that as worked as rapidly as I could to capture the moment.
11″ x 14″ oil on linen panel
The gorgeous color of the backlit water drew me to this late morning scene in the harbor of Trinidad California. I painted this for the 2021 Humboldt Plein Air Paint Out and was delighted later to learn I received an award for “Best Representational Work.”
8″ x 10″ (private collection)
This was painted from a spot tucked into a rock outcropping at Luffenholtz Beach Park in Humboldt County as the tide receded. At one point some fun loving Siberian Huskies arrived to chase each other in the sand (as they evaded their person). They reminded me of a long ago loved Husky who didn’t go into the surf either.
9″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
I painted this as part of the 2021 Humboldt Open Plein Air event at Table Bluff County Park. The Waloplh-Lighthouse trail moves between grassland and cypress trees as it finds the way to the ocean beyond.
8″ x 10″ (private collection)
This piece was painted at the San Jose Friendship Japanese garden en plein air.