I love the Big Sur cliffs in Garrapata State Park. In this piece, I am chasing the feel of the fresh air and the sound of the surf.
Garrapata Swirl
9″x11 (private collection)
9″x11 (private collection)
I love the Big Sur cliffs in Garrapata State Park. In this piece, I am chasing the feel of the fresh air and the sound of the surf.
10″ x 10″ (private collection)
Susan has been a much loved and admired friend for decades. This was painted from a photo taken while hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park.
9″ x 12″ (private collection)
This piece began as a plein air piece painted at one of my favorite spots.
8″ x 6″ (private collection)
Just love the patterns created by the surf in this small cove near Pigeon Point Lighthouse.
11″ x 14″ private collection
This view of a lovely valley near Gstaad Switzerland is painted to bring memories of restorative fresh mountain air.
Exhibited …
2024 – Allied Artists West Group Show “Colors of Summer”
2021 – Los Gatos Artist Association “Artist of the Year” (3rd place award)
2020 – California Art Club “Our World Reimagined”
9″ x 12″ (private collection)
The view from my front porch is of my neighbors porch and on this particular morning of an early season rose illuminated by the morning sun.
9″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
I painted this goose and goslingĀ from a photo I took at a local park. I love that this mother and babe were venturing out … albeit cautiously.
Exhibited …
2022 – Coastal Arts League “Kindred Spirits”
8″ x 10″ (private collection)
The first rose blooms of the season are always the most fragrant and vibrant making it an extra delight to paint these.
8″ x 10″ (private collection)
Our backyard lilacs were a wonder this year and their sweet fragrance added to the pleasure of painting them.
9″ x 12″ oil on linen panel
This was painted in early March at the marina in Berkeley. This was the last plein air painting I did before pandemic related stay-at-home orders went into effect. This boat was used for tours in San Francisco for 40 years.