Cliffside Cypress

8″ x 6″ (sold)

In this piece, I’m capturing a cypress as it clings to the absolute edge a cliff at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. This is a magical area just north of Half Moon Bay with amazing coastal vistas, a moody cypress forest, tide-pools and a beach where seals hang out and pups are born.

Above Moss Beach

8″ x 10″ oil on linen panel

The path along the bluff of the Fitzgerald Marine Preserve offers gorgeous views. I painted this piece to the sounds of the surf on a typical Moss Beach Day twixt fog and sun.

Exhibited …

2022 – Coastal Art League “Annual Juried Painting Show”

Hokulea Visits San Francisco

8” x 10” oil on panel

The Polynesian Voyaging Society organized a 2800 sailing expedition in 2023 that included 45 ports starting in Alaska and ending up in Southern California. In this scene, the Polynesian sailing vaka as passing under the Golden Gate Bridge heading south to the next stop, Pillar Point.

Summer Evening Sail

12″ x 24″ oil on linen panel

Summer evenings offer no assurance of warmth on San Francisco Bay which is often overcast and cold this time of year. In this piece I’ve captured the San Francisco Sea Scouts out sailing on a balmy evening near Alcatraz.